BSLP009 - December 12, 2024

Polonius - Antique Fantasia Vol. 4: Polonius 2

With ‘Antique Fantasia Vol. 4: Polonius 2’, Polonius delves into fourth-world abstractions and low-fidelity design, freeform creativity delivers here spontaneous exuberance, in Gaber‘s very own mischievous style. The piano checkerboard scrolls voluptuously, its ivory and ebony keys a canvas for his sonic alchemy. Synths soar and flirt with lively rhythms taking from the tribal folklore, creating a soundscape that appears both traditional and fanciful. Polonius‘ pataphysical tapestry unfurls an unlimited panorama of fantasized, unthought-of realms where the boundaries between genres and cultures dissolve.

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BSLP008 - December 12, 2024

Babau - All The Gurls Were At The Women's Archo Ashinto

With ‘All The Gurls Were At The Women’s Archo Ashinto’ (aka ATGWATWAA), Babau duo redraws the lines of stoner-impressionism and gonzo traveling. Born as a patchwork of imaginative sketches meshing YouTube audio manipulation with Babau’s signature live computer techniques, spirit box-like vocal excerpts and irregularly pulsing beats, ‘ATGWATWAA’ explores the brain fog of transglobal exoticism offering a continuous, fake field recording where organologies and aural timbres conjure a floating world of sound flows and yet-to-come folk genres from yonder.

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BSLP007 - September 19, 2024

Eiger Drums Propaganda - Live Excerpts

Long time no see dear Louis! Part of our 2019 inaugural BST001 V/A tape, Eiger Drums Propaganda returns today to Bamboo Shows with his “Live Excerpts” LP.
Formerly a so-called collective, now happily unmasked as a schizophrenic one-man band, the French multi-instrumentist gathers here a collection of twelve acts recorded live. Not a proper album, nor a simple compilation, yet a real insight on Louis De La Gorce’s playful explorations over the past three years. Beyond spanning the wide range of psychedelisms, Eiger Drums Propapaganda displays once again his unique blend of out-of-the-asylum folkloric noise, epic Neuneu Dance Music, mystic downtempo and under-the-influence trip-hop.

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BSLP006 - February 29, 2024

JS Donny - BnN

As dawn breaks, amidst the lingering echoes of dreams and nightmares, which one remains etched in the depths of your mind? Caught in-between, Marseille-based project JS Donny delves into this hazy realm of recollection through their upcoming 10” vinyl single, ‘BnN’, set for release early 2024 via Bamboo Shows and Chrüsimüsi Records.
From the two-tracker exudes a fragile yet tense atmosphere, courtesy of JS Donny‘s unique presence, haunting vocals – soaring from restorative whispers to anguished screams – and raw energy electric guitar riffs. Further enhanced by the talents of Sarah-Louise Barbett (Drums), Jano aka Janomax (samples, keyboards) and Nadja Meier (bass), the recording seamlessly interweaves elements of slow-rock, shoegaze-folk, and soft-metal, all infused with progressive influences. A masterfully-performed balancing act between the ‘Busin***’ bittersweet ballad, and the ‘Never Forget U’ insurrectional outlet.

Forget and dream with the fluttering of the butterfly, available on digital platforms starting Dec. 11 and on a 10” clear-vinyl late February 2024!

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BSM001 - September 21, 2023

Charly Markarian - Jeunesse ne passe pas

A travers cet ouvrage de 60 pages à paraitre le 21 septembre 2023 conjointement sur les labels Bamboo Shows et Dangerhouse Skylab, Christophe et Loïs Markarian retracent grâce à de nombreuses photographies, témoignages, anecdotes et articles de presse le parcours musical de Charly Markarian, guitariste hors-pair et émérite. Une incarnation du rock’n’roll pur – loin des travers du show- biz -, celui qui prend un beau jour possession de votre âme pour ne plus jamais la quitter.

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BSLP005 - February 13, 2023

Jonquera - La Croix des Cros

Through his second LP on the label, Jonquera delivers a loner-folk eclogue about the fantasized inner demons of a country dweller. Just like clay, audio recordings here are a malleable substance, slowly reworked over a year, following a sinuous production process where all mishaps are welcomed as breaches to step into.
Far from the spaghetti western myth of the reckless bounty hunter, riding his faithful horse in the great outdoors to spill blood; this 14-track album is the grieving lament of a wistful cowboy, longing for a simple patch of peace where one’s free to cultivate the earth and noodle on the guitar.

Heldon’s cosmic space-rock, Badalamenti’s Twin-Peaksesque foggy jazz or Morricone’s glorious soundtracks, so many references to portray another awesome imprint.

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BSLP004 - October 12, 2022

Metra.Vestlud - Coalyqsta

Have you ever wondered about liquid crystals’ consciousness? We bet you haven’t. Then, are you familiar with the concept of panpsychism, the view that all things have a mind or a mind-like quality? Well, you should be pretty curious about it now, and Bamboo Shows may have some of the answers!

Introducing Metra.Vestlud on the label via his ‘Coalyqsta’ LP to pursue the intriguing aesthetic brought to light through the Vapordub compilation earlier this year, the French imprint is now exploring deeper under the iceberg of contemporary psychedelic music. A ten-track generous blend of 80s-90s mellow new age and crystalline HD sound-design, in the true spirit of the eco-futurism vibe.

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BST003 - April 14, 2022

Various - Vapordub: an introduction to contemporary psychedelic music - vol. 1

Two years after our last V/A, we’re back with the first opus of our ‘Vapordub’ imprint series. Another artifact rising from the depths of the leftfield music scene, this time focused on contemporary psychedelics.

Highly inspired by the textures of the vaporwave sonic aesthetic, this 16track compilation displays in turns intriguing sound design, graceful synths from a new age, weird exotics and psychoactive slow-dubs.

Designed to please either curious or skilled ears, the various paves the way for a 90-minute mind wandering in distant, fantasized realms. Featuring renowned international artists, up and coming French projects and obscure aliases in the likes of A Strange Wedding & Camille Claire Olympie, Alieno deBootes, Babau, Bouti, Dean O’Brien Resorts…

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BSLP003 - November 3, 2021

Naomie Klaus - A Story of a Global Disease

Hey! How was your summer? Did you manage to pass through the tracks of travel restrictions before another gloomy fall? No? Then wipe away your tears and board along with Brussels-based Naomie Klaus.

Through her ‘A Story of a Global Disease’ debut-EP, the French Producer offers a tale about the artificial paradises of globalization, a melancholic stroll through the exotic relics of free trade, where appearances matter more than knowledge. Here, geishas eat fries, Europeans confuse Tokyo with Beijing, tribal ceremonies start with drum rolls and exotic travelling dreams are fulfilled on ephemeral food courts.

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BSLP002 - April 8, 2021

Perse - Exile in H

We are happy to start 2021 with the 6-track Debut-EP from Italian duo Perse, formed by Marco Milanesio (DsorDNE9cento9) & Emiliana Voltarel (Braconidae).

‘Exile in H’ is a great gathering of spoken poetry, illbient, electronic experimentations and field recordings. Its dark, heavy industrial / noise atmospheres occasionally reach liberating climax, moving the listener away from the initially induced torpor through explosive drumlines.

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BSLP001 - December 10, 2020

Jonquera - DARKOS LP

With “Darkos LP”, Lyon-talent Jonquera offers us an incredible 45-minute 14-track album thanks to its captivating atmosphere and an impeccable technique.

Produced in one week only, the project between medieval dark-ambient, HD sound-design and esoteric illbient takes inspiration from Noise Music and Doom to introduce alternately a gloomy, epic or spiritual atmosphere.

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BST002 - July 9, 2020

V.A. - Bamboo Shows Tapes 002

6 months after releasing the first chapter of our compilation series, we invited once again a fine selection of fellow artists to contribute to one of our cassettes.
Say bye to the exotic and ecstatic atmosphere of the BST001 and discover a more introspective and darker curation including between others Lamusa II, Golden Ivy, Jonquera, Vagues Imaginaires, HLM38, Bear Bones Lay Low, Vector Trancer or Komodo Kolektif.

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BST001 - December 12, 2019

V.A. - Bamboo Shows Tapes 001

Through the first release of the label, we gathered talented friends from Lyon as well as worldwide producers to spread the exotic and sophrologic side of the Bamboo spirit with 15 exclusive tracks. Featuring renowned RAMZiNiklas WandtStar SearchersDJ Ungel & DJ Rasputin and local heroes Eiger Drums Propaganda, Christian Coiffure, Jacques Satre or Lastrack.

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