Bamboo Shows 042 – A Strange Wedding (Worst Records) – 12.02.20

A Strange Wedding is a mysterious agglomeration of diverse influences and horizons. Bringing together oriental and African elements to the heart of a slow and ritual music, he slowly builds an edifice in the shadows of bitter EBM hints, like an architecture of the night between industrial trance and tribal downtempo. Exploring trippy, sweaty and epic sound is the very basis of his musical project that has been released on Positive Education‘s Worst Records with the “Meta Romance EP” back in 2018 and last “Worst Greatest Hits Vol. I” compilation.

His Bamboo Show is a gathering of all great vibes accumulated throughout a 2019 intense and awesome summer. Including the trippy Monticule festival, the smoky Garage Noord, the commitment and friendship from Qui Embrouille Qui festival… A way to express the pleasure he had to meet all those people, to live all those experiences and to get all those incredible memories. The result is a mind-melting hour and a half of tribal trance & industrial downtempo, going now and then dark or psychedelic. With tracks from Inlakesh, Tyler Ov Gaia, Khidja, TSR or A Strange Wedding himself.




A Strange Wedding: SoundCloudFacebook 

Meta Romance EP: SoundCloud / Bandcamp

Worst Greatest Hits: SoundCloud / Bandcamp