Bamboo Shows 057 – Polonius [live]
We’re welcoming today Egyptian Polonius – the moniker of multi-instrumentalist and composer Seifeldin Gaber -, whose music has been described as archeo-mirage or holographic rhetoric. Co-founder of the label Grey White Blue 1972 and prolific producer with about 20 or so albums and demos since 2016 under the aliases of Gondola Wish, 80s detective, Seif G. between others, the Milan-based musician always explores different worlds, qualities and interpretations. He has, over the years, worked with artists like Cheikh Tidiane Fall, Quanta Qualia, Jooklo Duo, BABAU (from beloved ArteTetra Records) and many more.
Follow Seifeldin to enter weird and hallucinogenic atmospheres through his ‘Miracle Dowsing’ live act. Born from the ashes of a pre-covid in-progress live set, Polonius decided to keep a performance of it, frozen in filmic amber. A psychedelic fluctuation between hazy fourth-world, minimalist ambient, bewitching field recordings and distorted movie samples. And FIY, Miracle Dowsing is the act of using rhabdomancy in order to locate a “miracle vein”. These said veins “occur” during chance meetings of any sort, whether they be of sounds or people.
Polonius: SoundCloud – Bandcamp – Facebook – Instagram